

前不久,又一次全国大学英语四六级考试落下帷幕,全国约有900多万考生参加了此次考试。考试结束后,有不少学生直呼“考题太难我应付不来”。对于“淡水湖”的翻译,也许还有考生能急中生智一把,想到“lake without NaCl”(正解:freshwater lake),但四级写作中涉及亲子关系、医患关系、师生关系等的社会话题型议论文着实让不少考生欲哭无泪,无从下手。


下面,我们就一起翻开《新视野大学英语(第三版)》,看看 the problem-solution-evaluation pattern 到底应该怎么用吧~~

Read the sample paragraph and see how it develops in the problem-solution pattern.


Many parents do not seem to know how to keep a good relationship with their children. They do not know what activities to do or what topics to talk about with their children. Here are a few useful tips. Having a family trip sometimes is a wonderful way for all family members to bond together. And you and your children can do fun things together, such as playing football or watching their favorite show. Besides, a very good activity to bond with your young children is storytelling! You can tell them the stories you heard from your parents or stories about your childhood. All these ways will contribute to a better relationship with your children.

从上面的例子中,我们可以看到,在论述“how to keep a good relationship with children”这一问题时,作者首先指出现在有很多家长不知如何处理亲子关系,并给出了具体说明(Problem, plus details of the problem),随后作者给出了几点解决问题的方法(solutions),并对这些方法会产生的效果进行了预测和评价(evaluation)。总结起来就是如下思路:


How to keep a good relationship with children


Many parents do not seem to know how to keep a good relationship with their children.

Details of the problem:

They do not know what activities to do or what topics to talk about with their children.


• Have a family trip.

• Do fun things together.

• Tell stories to young children.


All these will contribute to a better relationship with children. 



以上例文和分析均出自《新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程1》Unit 2 Structured writing 板块。在《新视野大学英语(第三版)》中,还有很多实用的写作结构和阅读、听力、翻译技巧,旨在帮助学习者夯实语言基础,增加语用知识,提高语言综合运用能力和有效交际的能力。大家快去“寻宝”吧~~


